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Chalice Mead is away from the hive for a few weeks, all online orders will be shipped out upon our return on the 15th of August. Happy summer!
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The story of mead

The magical drink through the ages.

BeelineChalice Mead bee

The Romans

Bees, messengers of the gods?

Mead first came to England when Julias Caesar landed here in BC 55. Until the Roman departure in AD 410, beekeeping would have been a common practice.

The Romans made wine from the honey that they harvested and called it ‘Mulsum’, they would have preferred it over ales and ciders. Bees were regarded as servants of the gods, delivering messages and healing powers from them to mankind. Its rich, ancient tradition continued to spread over the following centuries and the delicious drink became known as ‘Mead’, from the Old English ‘Medu’.

BeelineChalice Mead bee

The Vikings

“Shun not the mead, but drink in measure.” —Hávamál: 19

When the first Vikings came ashore to England from Denmark in around AD 800, they also brought with them a sweet fermented honey drink flavored with spices called ‘Mjød’ or Mead.

For the Vikings, and according to Norse mythology, this drink too was considered a sacred beverage. Mead was special and never to be wasted. It was always offered to fallen warriors, as Vikings believed drinking mead connected them with antiquity.

BeelineChalice Mead bee
Middle Ages

The Middle Ages

When life gives you honey…

During the Medieval period, mead was the drink of kings and thanes, as was pointed out in Beowulf. Mead was a popular drink in Medieval England.

Bees were in abundance due to the huge amount of wax required for candle making during the period, resulting in a bounty of honey. Medieval monks excelled at making mead in monasteries throughout England. Royals and their subjects commonly drank mead.

BeelineChalice Mead bee


What do Thor, Queen Elizabeth II and you have in common?

Loved by the late Queen, the Vikings, the Greek gods, and millions of people today; mead is one of history’s most storied beverages.

From its humble beginnings to the hipsters mixer. It is the renaissance of an alcoholic beverage that is nearly as old as time itself, and comes with a whimsical and historical narrative.

Present Day
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